Tyym Paanih

There's a song in every nook of the world, for me to find!

Quick Info

  • Age: Mid-High 20s

  • Gender + Race: Female Elezen (Wildwood)

  • Nameday: 1st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon

  • Birthplace: Ishgard

  • Current Residence: None (Wanderer)

  • Primary Jobs: Bard, Dancer

  • “Occupations”: Street/Bar Performer, Odd Jobs for hire
    Usually neglects/forgets to ask for payment, except in dire circumstances

  • Likes: Music, Travel/Adventures, Helping Others, Stories

  • Dislikes: Large Crowds, Debts, Feeling Useless

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Romance: Single, Pan
    Extremely cautious towards a future relationship


Ever since she was born, Tyym Paanih’s life has been defined by music. Though happy to try new skills, her instruments and dancing chakrams are the only things she truly feels comfortable wielding. Her heart and mind are always filled with songs old and new, and she’s constantly creating new ones on her travels. Music is just as important as food and water for Tyym, and she’s always excited to spread her song and dance no matter where she ends up.And as the epitome of wanderlust, Tyym can end up anywhere at any time. She rarely stays in one place for too long without feeling stagnant, and is often ready to leave for new adventures without much warning. There’s usually no rhyme or reason to where she ends up; some trips are extended by days and weeks once something new catches her eye. Like her music, she finds her spark in the most unlikely of places, and tends to enjoy the journey more than the destination.Her travels have shown her how much the world suffers, and she strives to make it a better place as she goes. This often manifests as musical performances and dance routines to comfort and inspire the downtrodden. She’s happy to take jobs at venues or just play on the streets, wherever there are weary folks who need some music. She’s also been known to take on menial labor to assist people in need, or even the rare bit of combat to save those in danger (though fighting isn’t her strong suit).Despite her desire to be there for others, Tyym is pretty timid and socially inept. She has a lot of trouble starting and holding conversations, and tends to trip over her tongue even once a conversation has started. She’s also fairly bad at reading others, making her nervous around new faces. This, along with her proclivity of wandering, makes it hard for her to create lasting friendships. Even among the friends she has made, she would prefer to hold back her problems and avoid asking for help. Her goal is to avoid being a bother for anyone even for small issues.This hasn’t stopped her from making friends, however, and she’s immensely close with those she manages to click with. She’ll often become way more talkative and outgoing (though not more eloquent) with those she’s close to. Even if she doesn’t have much to say, she’s just grateful to be with those who accept her, shortcomings and all. This gratitude also makes her very loyal to her friends. She strives to leave no debt unpaid (even if she made up the debt she owes), and will work hard to solve her friends’ problems. In fact, she often overworks herself, going farther than necessary to do so. The happiness of others, especially of those she’s close with, means much more to her than her own comfort (and health, in extreme cases).



Tyym’s lineage is mostly unwritten and hard to trace, most likely intentionally. In fact, Tyym only knows about her parents. There are a few defining features of this family that are always passed down, however. All members who are born or adopted into the family are given music-themed names, with no matching surname. From a young age, their parents train them in music, taking what they learned from their own parents alongside new ideas gleaned from their travels across the world. From their extensive tutoring and a seemingly mystical love of music throughout the ages, they always end up becoming highly-skilled bards. Some may become well-known, while some are forgotten fairly quickly. However, their music and the legends they share always last through the ages.
A lot of these songs stem from another defining trait of this lineage: their Lifesong. Every member of this family ends up with one in their lives, as a grand culmination of who they are and what they’ve experienced. Their most defining moments in life, the lessons they’ve learned, the journeys they take… everything is brought together in what’s considered the magnum opus for each bard. Technically it’s never truly finished, with the ever-flowing lives of bards. But each one ends up being remembered and passed down, even just as inspiring music.
Tyym’s father is a member of this lineage and a talented bard in his own right. He’s a very outgoing and sociable man, able to light up a room with ease. From his own travels, he gained an almost supernatural ability to know the best ways to support those in need, knowing just what needs to be said and done to lift one’s spirit. He’s become well-known across many regions, with some folks overjoyed to see him return to their towns. It never seemed like he would be one to settle with anyone, with how much he enjoyed being with everyone.
One trip to Ishgard, however, introduced him to a maidservant in House Fortemps that changed all of that. She’s generally quieter and more reserved, preferring not to talk too much. However, she has a great love of dance that, at the time, she generally kept to herself. This led her to go about her tasks in a more musical fashion, as much as she would never admit it at the time.
This aura was immediately noticed by the bard, while she was running errands at the Jeweled Crozier. He was immediately smitten by her and, with his confidence, introduced himself right there in the markets. They quickly got to know each other, and bonded over their love of music. He even got her to come out of her shell more, as they performed together through song and dance. Though he occasionally left for other adventures, he was always back in reasonable time, and they continued to grow closer until finally getting married. Although they traveled together for a short time following this, they soon returned to Ishgard once they realized they were about to have a child. Edmont de Fortemps was more than happy to accept them back for this momentous event, and Tyym was born in the company of House Fortemps.

Growing Up

Tyym’s very early childhood was spent in Ishgard, as her mom partially continued to work for House Fortemps and her father performed around Ishgard as payment for lodgings. This only lasted until Tyym could reasonably be taken on adventures. Thus, she didn’t have much time to make meaningful connections here. Despite that, the people of the House enjoyed having her around, and were grateful to be a part of her first years.After a few quick years, the family felt ready to get back on the road, thus beginning Tyym’s first adventures. The family traveled all over the place, as they introduced their daughter to their favorite places and began discovering new vistas together. They were generally careful at first, but Tyym quickly became more and more confident and was able to handle bigger and bigger hurdles as they discovered new things together. She’d even occasionally slip away on her own (much to the chagrin of her parents), getting distracted by the smaller wonders of the world. She quickly gained an appreciation for the seemingly endless star she was a part of, and wanted to see more and more.
As they traveled, Tyym’s parents also began teaching her about music through extensive lessons. While learning how to play instruments from her father and dance from her mother, she gained an understanding of music that not even her father could have predicted. Just like her ancestors, music immediately became one of her favorite pastimes. She would often try out new song and dance ideas as they traveled, and enjoyed stopping to listen to other musicians. In fact, her random playing was sometimes the only way her parents found her when she disappeared.
As she was constantly on the road, Tyym didn’t have much time to meet people. She enjoyed the “family friends” that her parents introduced her to, but this wasn’t as conducive to making long term friends. It also didn’t help that she was naturally quiet and reserved like her mother. Larger crowds stressed her out in particular, sometimes overwhelmingly. Thankfully, her parents were always there to help her find ways to calm her nerves and center herself. Her mother was an especially large influence, as someone who was generally quiet, but confident.
She also got a little better at it as she engaged in humanitarian work with her family. Her parents already had a lot of experience seeking out those in need and finding ways to improve their day. Thus, it came naturally to Tyym as well. It showed her how there’s always some kind of trouble in the world, whether it’s obvious or not. At first, it was upsetting to her, thinking that there was so much turmoil under the surface wherever they went. With her parents’ guidance, however, she instead became determined to help more and more people. And it gave her enough experience to at least say hello and ask if people need help, which was a big enough step for her.
Eventually, the time came where Tyym was officially able to set out on her own. This is when her father finally explained more about her lineage, and about the Lifesong that she would be making. He reiterated the importance of music for the world, and how much it could help others no matter how hopeless they may be. And she was off, to see the world through her own eyes and spread her own song to the world. Granted, she still wasn’t exactly good at socializing. But she’d figured it out at some point, or at least let her music do the talking!

Current Whereabouts

At the moment, Tyym is still on the road as usual, as her adventures continue to shape her character and life. She’s still pretty awkward and reserved, but she’s made more meaningful relationships and is improving her socializing abilities. When she isn’t helping someone out or with friends, she’s commonly off to the side playing some song or another. Though it’s usually a chance to center herself and chill, she’s always happy to play for an impromptu audience!See the Movements of Fate for more stories and adventures!


  • Parents: The pair are still alive and traveling together. In rare moments the whole family crosses paths, but they normally hear good tidings through the whisperings of those who saw them before.

  • House Fortemps: Many of those who knew Tyym as a baby are still active in the House, including Count Edmont de Fortemps. If she had a better recollection of that time (and possibly was more willing to ask for help when needed), they’d love to welcome her back with open arms and reconnect for a night or two.

  • Ifora Kanraz’dan: After following Ifora on a personal mission, the two ended up becoming strong allies and friends. Despite their different outlooks on life, the two get along well, and Tyym enjoys tagging along on Ifora’s quests. Tyym tries to lighten Ifora’s serious disposition often, with… varying results.

  • A'rhenu Tia: After an especially emotional introduction, Tyym and A'rhenu often (accidentally) unite in their travels. Their love of music and adventuring, along with their colorful pasts, has helped the two become incredibly close. The pair are always willing to support each other through both emotional struggles and the toughest quests.

OOC Stuff

Howdy!!I primarily put this site together as a way to organize my writings about my FFXIV character; I don't really have RP experience and don't have any specific plans for it.I do often appear across the Goblin server in performance mode, or just vibing in nice spots, and am happy to play off of others as needed. Maybe this will lead to larger RP opportunities; let's see what happens!If you'd ever like to see the other things I do, like Twitch streaming, check out my Linktree!